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today there are lots of way for earning you can earn unlimited money from internate but you have to keep patients and work smartly. today i am going to share some tips regarding online earning. by this tips you can generate your revenue online.
one of the best way to generate your income online is blogging now the question arise is what is blogging. if you don't know about blogging don't worry this article is for you. this post will help you to generate your earning.
what is blogging
A blog is a channel where you share your thoughts. Think of it as a public journal, diary, or even book. You can share personal thoughts, quick updates, or even educate others on what you learned. What you publish is up to you, or An individual who is the blog owner. The person who keeps the blog alive (posting new posts, sharing the latest news, information, case studies, opinions, etc…) Blog post meaning (n.) An article or writing that is inside the blog. For example, the article you are currently reading is a “blog post” that is written for my blog.
you can start blogging by creating youtube channel or by create a website by purchaseing domain and hosting but if don't have budget to purchase domain hosting you can start blogging with blogger for free.
About Blogger
Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003. Google hosts the blogs, which can be accessed through a subdomain of Blogs can also be accessed from a user-owned custom domain (such as blogger provided by google and this is free to use.
how to start with blogger
choose your niche or topics in which you have some exprience or knowledge and create your blog on blogger and regular post 1 or 3 post if your blog get monetized by google adsense then you can earn daliy upto 10$ this is the easyest way to earn money from online.
how to get Adsense approval in first try| What's the best way to get approval for AdSense?| adsense approval tricks| How does the AdSense approval process work for publishers?| How long does it take for AdSense to approve your account?| How do I set up AdSense for my blog?
here are some tips regarding how to get adsense approval.
1.make sure that your content is unique. should have good traffic.
click here to konw how to get traffic
3.there should be more than 20 unique post on your blog to get ready for adsense. blog should have the following pages
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to read more about how to get adsense approval click here!
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